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Skyrim Multiple Followers Glitch

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Timeless 1 8 – gorgeous alarm clock and reminder appointment. This glitch is a variation of the 'Selling Merchants Their Own Items' glitch. Simply place a scroll into any container, then follow the steps in the 'Selling Merchants Their Own Items' glitch. Instead of pressing E repeatedly to sell, simply left click/right click as if you are equipping the scroll. This is the first of many cat-like followers, but this one somehow has over three thousand downloads with zero upvotes on the Nexus Mods website. This doesn't necessarily make her a lousy follower, but it is the largest download to upvote ratio for a Skyrim SE follower. Can you lock your iphone from apple watch. It came out in June of 2019, so it has had almost a year to gain status. Minecraft half life 2 texture pack. If you take advantage of this one opportunity before completing 'Stage 100' below, you can have two followers for the rest of the game. You will still be able to change the 'normal' follower, dismiss him or her and pick another instead, continuing to have two followers in the group, but you can't dismiss Serana.

  1. Multiple Followers Mod
  2. Skyrim Multiple Followers Glitch Free
  3. Skyrim Multiple Follower Glitch Serana
I've been using Serana as my sidekick and when i try and recruit another follower they always say they cant come along unless i ditch Serana. That's normal, i figured, cuz i can only have one at a time. But now that i've completed a bunch of quests for the Dark Brotherhood I am able to bring an initiate with me and she DOES follow me with Serana as well. I didnt know you could have two but it worked this time.
Does anyone know why it works with the Dark Brotherhood initiate but no one else? Not even the armoured troll can come with me unless i drop my current follower. I'm happy to have both chicks fighting alongside me, but I was wondering if anyone can explain why this is. thanks! This may have been addressed already, but I couldn't find a thread about it so my apologies if I just missed it.
I had been having a repetitive problem with stolen items showing up in my inventory even though my goody-two-shows PC hadn't stolen anything, so after some experimentation I finally duplicated the problem.
I would be looting an area taking the takeable stuff and leaving anything labeled 'steal'. When I would get over-encumbered, I'd find an empty container, dump a bunch of my crap in the container, and have my follower do a 'Take All' from the container. Then when I got back home, I'd take it all from him/her and put it in containers in my house.
Then I started noticing lots of red in the containers at my house.
Skyrim Multiple Followers Glitch
Turns out a few people have complained about this online, so I wrote to Bethesda Technical Support and asked why this bug wasn't being addressed with the next patch. The response from 'Keith S.' was that it was NOT a bug, but it was a 'gameplay issue' and I needed to sign up for this forum and ask you guys what I'm doing wrong (because apparently this 45-year-old who has been writing software for 30 years and playing games longer than that isn't bright enough to play a video game correctly).
So I did some playing around, duplicated the problem, took some screenshots with my digital camera showing what was happening, and wrote Bethesda back to explain step by step how to duplicate the problem. Here's an excerpt from what I sent them (minus the images because I'm not allowed to post images or links to the forum).
Okay, so in the screenshots I'm in Folgunthur Crypt, just before entering the final room. On the table there was an Iron Warhammer (Frame 1)

Multiple Followers Mod

labeled 'Take'. So I took it. To the right of the table was a Burial Urn (Frame 2). Since I was over-encumbered, I clicked on the Burial Urn, then went to select the Iron Warhammer from my inventory (Frame 3). Notice it's NOT labeled as 'Stolen'. I placed the Warhammer in the Burial Urn. I checked the Burial Urn, and there's the Warhammer (Frame 4) and the text is in white and the action option is 'Take', not 'Steal'.
I turned to Mjoll, who was my follower at the time, and told her I need her to do something (Frame 5). I asked her to 'Take All' from the Burial Urn (Frame 6). She walked over and took everything from the Burial Urn. Then I asked her to 'trade some things with me' (Frame 7). I went to the Iron Warhammer in her inventory and the option is still 'Take' (Frame 8), so I took it from her. Then I immediately looked in my inventory and there's the Iron Warhammer, NOW LABELED AS STOLEN (Frame 9).
I got a response today from 'Leon P.' who told me the screenshots and description were sent to the 'tech folks who handle this.' Then he suggested I load a previous save or 'start over from the beginning'. (lol.sorry.that just made me laugh) Hopefully they'll be working on a fix soon and he wasn't just blowing me off.
Turns out a few people have complained about this online, so I wrote to Bethesda Technical Support and asked why this bug wasn't being addressed with the next patch. The response from 'Keith S.' was that it was NOT a bug, but it was a 'gameplay issue' and I needed to sign up for this forum and ask you guys what I'm doing wrong (because apparently this 45-year-old who has been writing software for 30 years and playing games longer than that isn't bright enough to play a video game correctly).
So I did some playing around, duplicated the problem, took some screenshots with my digital camera showing what was happening, and wrote Bethesda back to explain step by step how to duplicate the problem. Here's an excerpt from what I sent them (minus the images because I'm not allowed to post images or links to the forum).
Okay, so in the screenshots I'm in Folgunthur Crypt, just before entering the final room. On the table there was an Iron Warhammer (Frame 1)

Multiple Followers Mod

labeled 'Take'. So I took it. To the right of the table was a Burial Urn (Frame 2). Since I was over-encumbered, I clicked on the Burial Urn, then went to select the Iron Warhammer from my inventory (Frame 3). Notice it's NOT labeled as 'Stolen'. I placed the Warhammer in the Burial Urn. I checked the Burial Urn, and there's the Warhammer (Frame 4) and the text is in white and the action option is 'Take', not 'Steal'.
I turned to Mjoll, who was my follower at the time, and told her I need her to do something (Frame 5). I asked her to 'Take All' from the Burial Urn (Frame 6). She walked over and took everything from the Burial Urn. Then I asked her to 'trade some things with me' (Frame 7). I went to the Iron Warhammer in her inventory and the option is still 'Take' (Frame 8), so I took it from her. Then I immediately looked in my inventory and there's the Iron Warhammer, NOW LABELED AS STOLEN (Frame 9).
I got a response today from 'Leon P.' who told me the screenshots and description were sent to the 'tech folks who handle this.' Then he suggested I load a previous save or 'start over from the beginning'. (lol.sorry.that just made me laugh) Hopefully they'll be working on a fix soon and he wasn't just blowing me off.
It seems the problem happens not only with containers but sometimes when you simply drop a non-stolen item and ask your follower to pick it up, then trade with them later to get the item back. It only seems to happen in some areas though (doesn't seem to happen in my own house) and I haven't yet nailed down exactly which areas are involved, but hopefully the Bethesda folks will figure it out.

Skyrim Multiple Followers Glitch Free

I will say that in testing different hypotheses my poor 'goody-two-shoes' PC got the crap beat out of him when he dropped a mis-tagged 'stolen' item in his own house and made the mistake of picking it back up (i.e. 'stealing it' from the floor of his house) in front of Jenassa. Apparenlty she has no problem trading stolen stuff with him but he's not allowed to pick an item up that he dropped in his own house if it has a 'stolen' tag on it.
Anyone else having this problem or figure out a solution, other than to join the Thieves guild and sell the stolen loot to a fence?

Skyrim Multiple Follower Glitch Serana

Thanks for your time!
- Dave

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